So today I turn 41...and I don't know what's next to be perfectly honest.
I did not think I would live to be 40 and now I am 41. What's next? Last year I traveled and had an illicit affair with a Young One (11 years my junior). I started another company bringing to fruition a dream I have had since I was 25 years old. I crossed several major milestones off of my 3 Piece and Wonderful Star lists but now what?!
I tell Boy Wonder and Child Genius these stories from when I was a little girl and the more stories I tell them the more I realize I am still that little girl from 2901 Doyle Avenue...unstoppable. However I do have to pause and think about where do I go next. There is one item I wish for every year that escapes me life partner but do I just stop living because he's not
I have come to the conclusion that maybe just maybe I should let go of the fantasy that there is someone in this world who will see me completely and not be afraid. What if he doesn't exist? It is all a big dream but does that negate my life, my legacy...hell no.
That is why I posted the Beyonce video below (not sure if I already posted you know I've been here for years) but I AM HERE!!! Still dancing in the middle of stores and singing at the top of my lungs, still excited about fresh flowers, all music, documentaries and great dinner parties. I AM HERE still not afraid to give everything I have in my power when I love. I have affected someone in my walk on this Earth.
So my name is Jacquelyn Roberts, I was born January 7 1972 I am now 41 years old and here is what I know at this point in my journey...
- Music is my primary language
- Dance is my secondary language
- I live for a great dinner party especially when I cook
- I love new experiences
- I am silly
- I love completely and my expectation is that love will be returned (setup for disappointment)
- I love me and find myself irresistible most days
- I adore the shape of my breasts
- I like my circle of friends small
- I am allergic to bullshit
- I speak my mind unprompted
- I flirt like a teenager
- I attract male peacocks
- I am a hermit
- I love history and documentaries
- I love making a home
- I am a work in progress