What have I been doing: Reading The Four Agreements...

So I read four amazing books while I have been on a blogging break and one of those is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

This book is practical and speaks to how I have tried to live my life for the past 7 years actually. It is also great when speaking with people who tend to over indulge in dramatics to say well you know I try to abide by the four agreements which are so basic it cuts right through the B.S.. I also have spoken to my children about these four agreements and have added them to our family manifesto. I was speaking to a beloved friend and just raving about this book when I said "We added it to the family manifesto" and he responded "Well doesn't everyone have a family manifesto?" I believe he was being sarcastic but my response was "If they don't then they should." We always say our family manifesto every morning and have now added the four agreements as well. It's a great book for those who are seeking the lesson, if you are not a seeker then wait until the right time please.

So it's not really a review but more of a recommendation to read this book and try to apply it to your daily walk.

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