Sabrina Johnson Tackle That Task Interview...
Sabrina Johnson Tackle That Task
A native of Dallas, Texas, Atlanta is now home for Sabrina Johnson of Tackle That Task!. In 2005, she felt something was missing from her professional work and started a home organizing service called Tackle That Task!. Now a certified Home Staging Expert, Sabrina also provides redesign services. When asked what her goal is for Tackle That Task!, Sabrina proudly stated, "For every client that I serve, my desire is to provide the design task that is needed. Depending on the stage of homeownership this may look different, but the end result will always be the same--to help every home look and feel its best".
Even at an early age, it seems that design was a part Sabrina's life. This included the best decorated rooms her budget would allow. When materials weren't available to make things possible, she used her sewing talent and renovating skills to make projects possible. Her study of interior design and art enhanced what she felt was a natural bent toward decorating. According to Sabrina, she rarely walks into a room without analyzing every element of it; in part to admire the decor, but also to think about how it could be made better.
I am very fortunate and excited to interview Sabrina because she is the complete opposite of me so it is always a thrill just to talk to her for ideas. I also had the good fortune to utilize Sabrina’s services last year when I had the bright idea of opening two retail spaces at the same time. She managed to corral all of my funky out there ideas and cohesively execute my vision.
This didn’t happen without some temper tantrums on my part since I have a tendency to want to write on every surface. Oh well on to the interview…
What is your decorating style as it relates to your home?
My style is traditional with a hint of World Market eclectic. I love the look of say a traditional chair paired with a bamboo table or vases with symbolic writing. I don't like things that match, but those that blend and complement one another.
What are the areas you most enjoy in your home?
I am very fortunate to have a really large living room. Again, I have great windows. So much so, that the Roman shades are rarely let down. There's no doubt that the fireplace is the greatest feature of the room, and I love the floor to ceiling stone. Its position in the corner makes it even more unique.
I also love the cafe corner because I am fortunate enough to have 2 windows in my kitchen. On Saturday mornings, I love to sit there and enjoy a cup of coffee. I can also watch a little T.V., read or enjoy the outdoors from that little area. It is a great spot.
What was the most challenging part of decorating your own home?
The most challenging aspect of decorating my home has been doing it in a way that is cost effective. We moved from a small condo, and didn't have much furniture. Now, we have four bedrooms, and a bonus room. Talk about space! There is so much to decorate. My approach has been to take it a room at a time, and of course everything must be paid for in CASH or else it doesn't come home with me. The fun part has been making this happen without breaking my budget. I have done a lot of painting, and scoured discount stores, Craig's List, and garage sales to find great deco items that don't cost a lot. Blending these items with more expensive pieces helps me achieve my decorating goals.
Of course I could not let Sabrina off the hook with easy questions so here are a few more to spice it up:
Would you do your job even if you weren't paid?
Absolutely! I was actually decorating for free too much. I want people to have beautiful homes, and don't mind taking all the steps necessary to make that happen.
If you could be anywhere in the World right this moment, where and why?
I would be at the beach. I love the fresh air and sand along with the serenity that the beach brings.
Is there any decorating style you don't feel comfortable working with?
I don't really care for contemporary rooms that have a true minimalist approach. These designs always look cold to me; like something is missing. However, if a client desired this style, I would still work hard to deliver this look.
What is the first thing you want to do when you walk into someone's home?
Remove all of the clutter, clutter, clutter, ugh! I think clutter just crowds your mind. The first step in giving your home a great look is just paring down. Even if a house isn't decorated, it will look and feel better by having a place for everything, and putting away the things that aren't needed.
***please note since Ofifteen is renovating I decided to repost the interview here. I am also reposting Susie's interview as well.***