Inspiration Boards
I am posting a picture of my inspiration board in the 3 Piece lab. I have quite a few quotes posted here along with pictures of people who inspire me. Directly below I have paintings by myself, Child Genius and Boy Wonder. Mine are more mixed media which drives Child Genius absolutely freaking crazy because she is very linear in her thinking and I am most assuredly am not. Boy Wonder on the other hand is a MAMA'S BOY so whatever I do is beautiful to him. I sometimes just stand and look over what is inspiring me and edit every quarter.
Back to Child Genius, Boy Wonder and I, I am a Creative. Child Genius is gifted in the Sciences and Boy Wonder is gifted in Math. It makes for quite interesting conversations at the dinner table. My being a Creative has influenced them in not being so straight and everything by the book however sometimes it does come to a boil for them. At these times is when I typically wish I had a significant other to give them a better balance because I am (I honestly admit) a funny bird. I have mothered and loved myself right along with mothering and raising the two of them.
Anywho I have posted Maze featuring Frankie Beverly because I just love them. The pics Child Genius took were over by the Oakland Cemetery which is where our favorite Mexican restaurant is in the city, Mi Barrio. Boy I love that place and the family that runs it. The quote by Audre Lorde is on point for today. Oh yeah I am now on twitter: @3pieceonline.